Thursday, June 01, 2006

QS SAL Progress

This picture shows the progress from both stitching over the long weekend and yesterday's QS SAL at the HAED board.

Saturday I watched "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" while stitching Frog Prince. My goal was 4 ten by ten squares and with the tent stitch, I met that fairly easily. I was good and stopped to stitch on my other WIPs. It wasn't hard to stop knowing that the SAL would be on Wednesday.

Wednesday I stitched at lunch and for a bit after Gymboree. I had hoped to complete another 4 ten by ten but I didn't quite make it.

Still, it's a nice amount of progress for only the first week, actually only three days of stitching. I plan to keep stitching on this through Saturday, when I'll switch to GTK.


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