Monday, October 30, 2006

Can't Post. Must Stitch.

The New Start SAL at the HAED BB worked its magic: I am once again stitching. Having focused on the beautiful Bedtime Stories, I have created a lovely blue blob (I feel just like Nicki).

The photo was scanned at the end of the SAL. Bedtime Stories is now my take to work project--lunch hour only, but I can usually manage one or two strands per lunch hour. I have even more blue blobbie-ness now. The total stitch count is 171,150. Eeep. I can do this, right? I'm no good at tracking my stitches. What does it look like to you? 2,000? Maybe? Eeeeeep.

Over the weekend I resumed work on Japanese Garden. It felt wonderful to stitch on her again. I still have quite a-ways to go, but I thought I should do some stitching since the class ends tomorrow. I have checked that I have all my files and will keep stitching on her. With any luck, I should have her finished early next year. I'll try to post a picture of her after tomorrow night. Yesterday I finished the last zen garden. I had finished the final corner ornament the night of the fire. She was still in fine shape as I had carefully folded her and sealed the plastic bag in which I keep her. Thank goodness. The water around the tori looks a little dull, but I think my eyes are playing tricks on me in the poor lighting in this apartment.

Feels great to have needle in hand again.


At 10/31/2006 12:51 AM, Blogger Nicki said...

You're right - it's a lovely blob! :) And of course you can do it. Who cares how long it takes as long as you enjoy it! (And I'm so glad you are enjoying it.) I'm also SOOOOO glad JG is OK. Phew. How is the house? There are lots of fires here right now because of fireworks night and kids chucking fireworks, and I thought of what it would be like if our house caught fire and of you. Gulp. {{{hugs}}}

At 10/31/2006 10:55 AM, Blogger jymisgurl said...

It looks great! Glad to see you stitching again! I can't wait to see an updated pic of JG too!

At 11/05/2006 5:04 AM, Blogger Mel in Dubai said...

What a great start!! Love the colours.


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