Being greedy.
If you like me, even just a little bit, could you please go to this nifty blog and post a comment that I sent you ( Holley at ). I promise I'll do the same for you if you like.
I seriously desire this fabric line in the worst way and I am trying to be so very good with our move hopefully happening by the end of this month. My clicky finger has added it to many online baskets only to be unceremoniously dumped when another inspection/insurance/tithe to the realty company has appeared.
I'd ask dear hubby to do it, but he would probably ask me how I would fit in sewing on the new fabric if I won when I still have piles of fabric laying around.
Silly man.
Labels: being good, blogging conundrums, frivolity, home sweet home, hope, quandries, quilts, temptation
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