Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Random Bloggery from A to Z

I found this on a friend's blog and made one modification to include a stitching related item (and because the actual item is quite frankly no one's business regardless of my answer).

accent: Midwestern with a slight Southeastern Ohio hitch every now and then.
booze: Rarely. Every few months Baileys with milk.
chore I hate: All of them. I don't discriminate.
dogs/cats: None.
essential electronics: Computer, central air, dvd player, car.
favorite perfume/cologne: Aveda blend air and water # 3 or #5 (it's been a while).
gold/silver: Silver--seems cleaner and less cluttered to me. (Can I say platinum?)
hometown: A small town in Southeastern Ohio
insomnia: Not as much and not as severe as I used to experience.
job title: Magistrate
kids: Angie, age 4
living arrangements: Rent a small home.
most admired trait: I honestly don't know. Someone called me a "cheerful giver" once. I think I'm a very flawed creation but I do try to improve (hence blog name).
number of wips: Beyond twenty if I include UFOS. See the side bar for my active rotation (14 yikes!).
overnight hospital stays: Four. Reyes Syndrome in the Fifth grade. Unidentified abdominal infection in the 11th grade. Complications from Gallbladder surgery in 2000. Surprise c-section in 2002 with DD.
phobia: I can barely say this out loud or speak it--Fear of my child dying.
quotes: I think my most memorable quote is from the infamous road trip to Texas: "Every girl should know how to hoop-de-doo." This refers to affixing the luggage carrier to the top of the rental suv, but after very little sleep and a long drive, said statement is hilarious.
religion: United Methodist. Currently not attending but still believing
siblings: Two brothers, one step-sister, two sisters in law and one brother in law.
time I usually wake up: 6:55am--grudgingly.
unusual talent: Again, drawing a blank. Maybe my sheer silliness and absurdity?
vegetables I refuse to eat: I like most vegetables but will rarely eat radishes, tomatoes and beets. Forget about greens and brussel sprouts.
worst habit: To many to list. Selfish. I don't let others get too close to me.
x-rays: The Reyes Syndrome, the abdominal infection and the ruling out of the pulminary embolism after the gallbladder surgery. I don't think I've had any others unless you count the dental x-rays.
yummy foods I make: I make? Bwaaa-haaaa-haaaaa. Hubby has banished me from the kitchen because I am dangerous to myself. I can handle baking frozen taquitos. Long ago I made great bread and cinnamon rolls from scratch.
zodiac sign: Scorpio.


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