Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Better Now, Thanks.

Well, I've recovered since my mini fit on Friday. That's what happens when I have no decompression time in the course of a day.

We did not get the heavy snow that was predicted so we were not snow bound and our heat did not go off from the storm that wasn't. So Saturday, I went for my glucose test--the short version. I still had to drink the super sugary orange fizzy concoction, but I only had to wait an hour for the blood to be drawn (rather than three). Once the sugar hit, the kid gave a mighty kick as if to say, "what WAS that? And can I have more please?" While waiting Chas went to the grocery store with Angie (who went to the play area) and I sat peacefully in the waiting area, stitching Snow Crystal and watching a series of teenagers shuffle in for an Anti-Tobacco program, most with some very determined parents accompanying them. The lab tech told me that I would crash after the sugar wore off later in the afternoon. Boy, did I!

Chas assembled the new sofa couch. It looks great, but we were reminded just how small this house is (less than 1000 square feet) because the couch takes up most of the living room. The color is great and fortunately, the slip cover is machine washable. I don't look forward to cramming the end cushions back into their covers if we ever need to wash them though. It is a perfect little stitching station for now and it is great to have something other than the rocker for sitting in the living room (poor Chas was dragging a kitchen chair in for his paid blogging).

In the evening, I stitched the lady in Midi 1 to make up for my missed Figure Friday. I had to change the colors for her dress since my skeins of the silks for the charted dress simply were not going to work. I've seen a few finishes in which those colors looked great, but mine would not have, so I changed it to the deeper reds. Although it's probably historically inaccurate, it is pretty. This also means the roses on the arch will need a color change, but I can live with that. Mine will be unique for certain. I've decided to make tomorrow "Midi Monday" and do a little more. I do believe that I can finish this design this year, hopefully by June. Maybe before the Baby is born, but then I wouldn't be finishing JG or WG by then.

I've also started looking for baby items. We need three things before the baby arrives, every thing else can wait really. So I've been looking at websites, and then ebay, to see what I can find. Today we started looking at strollers and car seats--very important since we will not be permitted to take our little bundle of joy out of the hospital without one.

Today, I've been stitching on JG to work on another set of bridges etc. I discovered that the side bridges are not exactly the same as the top and bottom ones. I'll work on the water tonight and then the bridges later this week. I also worked a bit on the materials lists for the forum at the Chatelaine Ezboard. Still lots of work to do, but at least I did a few things there today.

I'd post photos, but everything is too big for the scanner and the weather is making it difficult to take decent pictures.

I think I'm mostly recharged for the coming week.

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At 1/22/2007 10:49 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Glad to hear you are in better spirits. I had to giggle about the sugar jolt and the baby's reaction - too cute. Enjoy your new stitching location!

At 1/23/2007 10:45 PM, Blogger CJ in OK ;-) said...

Sounds like you've made some stitching time even in the middle of all the other things going on. I look forward to seeing oictures soon.

At 1/24/2007 1:25 PM, Blogger Angi said...

I want to see your Lady!! I'm not even done part 2 yet, and have no clue about the lady!


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