Friday, November 30, 2007

End of the Month Update

Just brief bits from me:

I've been sick this week so no posting and very little stitching. Midi is not done, nor is Amethyst. Bummer. I did stitch two ornaments but I'm just not up to scanning or tinkering with photos (heck I can barely spell "photos" at the moment). I don't think I'll be able to stitch anything for the Holiday Bazaar which is next Thursday unless I have a remarkable recovery in the next twenty four hours.

I did make some progress on Taj ( can I tell you how much I love Taj? Such beautiful colors and I love my fabric) and on the Christmas Mandala (hate the gates, hate the plain white fabric I'm using but I just want this one done) so I'm glad I did the Chatelaine SAL. I might see if anyone wants to join me at the end of December for another week long SAL.

My computer is really misbehaving so if you don't hear from me for even longer, you'll know this antique I use for internet is not cooperating.

In happy news:

My dear friend Cathy gave birth to the handsome, squeaky Myles. Yay!

And from our household: Kian had the "watershed" Cardiology appointment today (Doctor's words not mine). He had both an ECG and an ultrasound/echo thing (very cool--the ultrasound technician let me breastfeed him during the ultrasound to keep him calm. She told me that she had breastfed too and so she understood.) He is basically at the same level as he was immediately following surgery! At this stage, if things start to go wrong, it will most likely be a gradual change that we can detect by our monitoring appointments, instead of the rapid changes immediately after he was born. We will always need to monitor him, but for now, she is very pleased. We are overjoyed.

And from the crazy me file:

Because I am such a good wife, I'm allowing to go on the trip to see his friend this weekend (which was originally planned as a family trip to see his friend's family). I, in my current unhealthy state, will be staying behind with the kids. Heaven help me. I honestly don't know how hubby is going to make this one up to me.

That's it for now--I'm bone tired and need to brace myself for the coming weekend.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm so good!

How evil are you?

I received that result even though I selected "lawyer"--amazing isn't it.

Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I had a nice day. Angie made me a card and drew a picture of me. Chas gave me the Heroes Season 1 on DVD and a Firefly graphic novel (see how well he knows me?) Kian gave me big smiles even though I had to take him to the nurse for a flu booster shot. And I received gift cards to Barnes and Noble and Amazon from my Mom and a good friend. We had salmon, salad, and rice for dinner and instead of cake (with all those milk proteins), I had a birthday soft pretzel (Beloved husband had a chocolate eclair in honor of my Birthday--golly that is so nice of him. I won't mention how long it is taking for him to eat the durn thing...).

A few posts ago, I asked whether I could stitch some freebies an give them to Angie's school to sell at their fundraising craft fair. Faye wisely suggested I contact the designer. The only problem is that the designs I want to stitch for the school are from this site. My French speaking and writing skills are no longer merely rusty, they are unintelligible. (And my French grammar books are lost somewhere between last year's flood and last year's house fire). I have no idea how to compose an e-mail in French explaining the situation and requesting permission to sell the stitched designs at the craft fair. I shudder to think what babelfish might do to such a request. Anyone know french well enough to help me write an e-mail?

If you haven't done so before, you really ought to peruse her site. The pickmachinchoses are incredible--I'm itching to stitch several of them for Angie. I think the kids at her school would just love them. Even if I can't get an e-mail posted in time for the holiday craft fair, I'll still try to obtain permission for the spring festival.

I was unable to finish Midi today. I need to frog some beads --I made a switcheroo that didn't work so I'll go back to the original beads. I have to finish a little more than half the sheaf stitches and all but one jessica window then only the beads remain. If I had to guess, I'd say that I'm under ten hours to completion. I can't wait to show her to you. I tried to take a few photos at work, but I don't have time to upload them tonight.

We are heading to PA to see my in-laws tomorrow and I will probably pack Midi for the trip, but I might not have a chance to stitch her. Beading really only works well at home or on my lunch hour.

I'm also packing Taj for the trip and I'm hoping to finish part 1--so please join me Janet (and anyone else)! I'm only a little farther along than the photos here. I think you can see the square shape. WG will go with me as well. Perhaps, JG and maybe Autumn for a start in the car. Maybe Tree of Hope as well. Do you see why I am having a Chatelaine SAL at the BB?

I won't have much time to post this week so I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a lovely Thanksgiving.

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Happy Birthday

To Me!

Hope you all have a great day!

Um, and I hope I have a great day too.

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tuffet to Be and Midi Stitchery

Here are teaser scans of my soon to be finished tuffet--some assembly required. The pattern is the lovely bat pattern from My Aunt's Attic and is stitched over two on a 36 count linen Silkweaver solo. I so rarely stitch on 36 count but I must say the experience was exquisite. The fabric was much softer than Belfast (32) or Cashel (28). I 'd stitch on it more frequently but the Chatelaines call for Belfast and I don't think the Delicas would fit on anything smaller. However, when I stitch my Paradigm Lost by Long Dog, I'm seriously considering 36 count.

The fibers are all Dinky Dyes two silks and a cotton. Eungella, Bickley Valley and Burnt Orange (which is from one of her Autumn Limited Edition packs). The orange is much brighter and more cheerful and pure than the scan indicates. Be warned though: I am a very frugal stitcher and I used almost an entire skein of the Eungella (I have maybe a ten inch length of two strands). Lovely isn't it? It is so Halloweeny! My hope is to complete it by Tuesday.

In the pursuit of Chatelaine Month, I've stitched Midi 1, Christmas Mandala and Tree of Hope. I have a long way to go on the tree, and I'm still debating whether I should find a replacement for the DMC 3371. On the Christmas Mandala, I'm cruising along, but I've lost one of the colors. I can even picture the plastic card on which it is wrapped, but I cannot remember where I put it. It is so frustrating because with this being Chas's busy season, I have no time in which to perform a thorough search. Too bad---I could probably finish the Christmas Mandala this month as well. I can buy another skein, but I've already stitched from the skein I've lost and I've had trouble with DMC dye lots lately.

Midi should be finished within the next week. I only have a handful of stitching and then most of the beading. I need to do the jessicas, the special stitches in the bottom border, the vines and flowers on the arch, the basket and some of the flowers in the beds. I would love to show you a picture, but I'm enjoying stitching her. I'm caught up in the joy of having the end in sight.

I should stitch in the HAED challenge SAL, but I almost hate to put Midi down for anything else at the moment.

In other Stitching news, I received my chart from the Tea with Jane contest. I picked #3 of the Literary Littles collection: Hope Perches. It's such a pretty little design, that I'm itching to stitch it right away. Unfortunately, I have absolutely none of the necessary fibers, but I think I could find some credible substitutes in my stash.
I am probably too focused on my stitching this month, but the siren song of the potential Happy Dance is too powerful to resist.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

November Goals

Because I really want to:

I declare November to be my Month of the Chatelaine(s)!

1. Finish Midi 1
2. Finish Amethyst Mystery
3. Stitch a bit on WG
4. Stitch a bit on JG
5. Stitch a bit on Taj
6. Stitch a bit on Tree of Hope
7. Stitch a bit on Christmas Tree Mandala (freebie)
8. Stitch a bit on CHG (finally picked up the Tapestry Green--Yay)
9. Start Autumn
10. Stitch a bit on MX
11. Start JOB or Polar Lights

Wildly ambitious I know, but these designs are so neglected overall. I'm ridiculously close to finishing Midi and Amethyst Mystery that I will be seriously disappointed in myself if I don't buckle down and finish them this month. I didn't list MTM because, as much as I love the design and the fabric I chose, it is my lowest priority Chatelaine.

I also plan to stitch during the HAED challenge SAL and the Ornament SAL so I won't be exclusively focused on Chatelaines. Let's face it, even at the best of times my stitching focus is a bit blurry.

In other stitching news, last night I finished the top of my tuffet, but since I haven't assembled the whole thing, it doesn't count as a finish. I'm focusing on it until it is stitched. It may be put aside while I search for the perfect bead or button though. I'll post a picture of it soon--it is so cute (but my computer time is very limited tonight so no scanning for me).

I had a very emotional few days at work and to my delight, I came home and discovered that I am one of the winners of the Sampler Girl Tea with Jane Contest. Funny because a few days ago I stumbled across a perfect finishing technique for the design and was convinced that I wasn't going to win (even though I was drawn at random). I may need to stitch it again. Anyway, I get a free chart! Chas was teasing me that this means I'll next be saying that I need to buy more supplies. Who Me? Seriously, I'm in awe of the other talented stitchers who also won charts. Their finished stitching is lovely.

There are some great sales right now and I've been good for a long time. I think I'm due for a little retail therapy--just supplies--I promise no charts. Do you see how close I am to reaching my 25 project challenge? Which reminds me, my October ornament can be found here. If I do well this month, I should have four happy dances just before the holidays--the tuffet, Midi, Amethyst and an ornament. Maybe, just maybe, I'll complete the 25 project challenge this year!

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