Stay tuned
Sorry for the absences. I really have been trying to take it easy lately. Having a baby at 37 is far different from having one at 32. I imagine I would have had more energy in my twenties, but I know I wasn't ready for a child then. So here I am, easily tired, definitely tired of being told how big this kid is going to be (by everyone but my doctor), and suddenly realizing that we need to get a few more things done before the baby is born.
However, I may be announcing a name soon. We've found a couple names that seem to be sticking. At the very least, neither name has been rejected within a few days. It's difficult because we had the perfect names for Angie almost immediately. We haven't had an "AHA! That's it!" moment this time around. We were discussing it this evening and the reality is that this is probably our last child, and we want the name to be just right. Still, I think we've found some names with which we can be happy. Stay tuned.
With the realization that the baby will be here soon, we've started diligently looking for some necessities: car seat, co-sleeper, breast pump. This weekend we went shopping for the car seat and I finally purchased the seat, spare base and stroller on line. I think we are more savvy shoppers with this pregnancy than we were for Angie. The car seat came yesterday and the stroller arrived today. We agree that this set is far cooler than the one we purchased for Angie.
Next will be the co-sleeper. Since we moved our room to the front of the house, we don't have much space for a regular bassinet. Additionally, just in case I have to have a c-section again, using a co-sleeper will be easier for me move the baby for nighttime feedings.
I've been making lots of silly mistakes lately. Goofy stuff like putting cases at the wrong times in the written calendar, writing the next court date as the current court date in my orders, and forgetting to do things two seconds after the coordinator asked me about them. She turned to me and said, "This has been one heck of a ride lately!" then giggled. Lucky for me she has a sense of humor. We were talking last week and determined that in the 30 years she's been at the Court, I'm the first jurist to whom she has been assigned who was pregnant. She says my ditziness is rubbing off on her too. Next week is my rotation at the Detention Center, so maybe she'll have a little recovery time and normalcy without me.
Not much has been happening otherwise, some Angie things, which will go on her blog, and some stitchery, which will be posted here soon. This weekend is the Ornament SAL and I'm really looking forward to it. I can pick up the two ornaments I started at the end of the last SAL and maybe even squeeze in another ornament too! I'll go pull the projects to take to work as soon as I'm done posting. I've also started a new project to keep my Serial Starter status going strong. It's one of the Brittercup designs. I saw it and thought it would be perfect for a friend. After only three nights, it's looking good. I'll do a stitchy post tomorrow with more details and some pictures.
Blogger is also telling me that I will be required to switch to new blogger the next time I log in. It may take me a while to sort out this new system so bear with me. Just wondering, is anyone else amused by the fact that the word "blog" is not in Blogger's spell checker?
Labels: blogging conundrums, family, kids, name game, SALs, serial starting, work