Thursday, August 30, 2007

Just a Little Update

I have managed to take photos of Tina's book so I present the cover, interior and spine.

I loved making the book. I almost had to pinch myself to believe I was actually finishing it all on my own. Once I jumped in and started the sewing, the directions became very clear to me. I was giddy with my success. Not bad for a first effort.

I am quite proud of the spine and how well it works as a book. I used a thin layer of batting to give the spine some body and it came together fairly easily. I will say that I cheated and used the sticky back mat board to attach the batting for each piece. Also, since I have small kids, I used Aleene's craft glue rather than a hot glue gun. Angie had fun helping me glue a second layer of batting.

I wish the ribbons would make a pretty bow, but they look nice, all the same. You can see closer scans of the interior designs here and here. I have a few of Judy Odell's books, I need a few more.

The masses found in Tina's brain are not more tumors, they are blood clots. I never thought I'd be relieved to hear that someone "just" had blood clots. She is feeling a bit better. My Mom gave me Tina's new address tonight so I'm hoping to mail it by Saturday.

I won't be able to enter the tuffet contest--I ran out of a Dinky Dyes silk and no one around here carries her silks. Oh well, I intend to finish it as soon as I get a new skein so I'll post pictures of it later. Since this was to be a quickie project and shouldn't have gone past August, I plan to acquire another skein somehow and finish it in September. I love my tuffet-to-be and hope you will too.

I managed to stitch two ornaments for this month's SAL. You can see them at the Ornament SAL blog. Let me just say again: that was a ridiculous amount of beads for an ornie. It is heavy.

It's been ages since I posted a scan of Frog Prince 3 so here it is. Look: she has face and hair! I'm hoping to finish it by the end of the year. I still have a long way to go though. I'm afraid to think about how much confetti that table has. I mean, she's eating peas for heaven's sake! Peas! The world's tiniest vegetable. Sigh. And this would be why I removed the Gustafson's from my wish list: I love the designs, but the confetti is both necessary and mind-boggling.

HAED is starting to post freebies and the very first one was the Pirate Dragon by Lisa Victoria. It's a mini portion of the QS so I was thinking of stitching it rather quickly for Kian. I know I don't need another start. But to my credit, I'll at least wait until I finish either my tuffet or a bookmark UFO. Any bets on whether I can go down to fewer than 30 WIPs, SWIPs and UFOs by the end of December. Yeah, I think it's unlikely as well.

I have faithfully stitched on my Love Quilt project a little bit each day. At my current rate, I should finish it by the end of September at the latest. I ran out of one thread (seems to be a theme this month) and the new DMC skein is clearly a different dyelot, so I'll need to tinker a bt to make it look acceptable.

I'm trying to develope a rotation for my return to work. I'm thinking of focusing on WG, JG, Midi 1, Santorini and the Japanese Angel at work with a full work week being devoted to each, except that the last two would share a week. Frog Prince would be the Wednesday SAL project as well as the Angie bath project and I would still do the HAED challenge and Ornie SALs. During the partial weeks, I could stitch something else.

We have been heavy into the start of Kindergarten this week so I've had little computer time. Angie is loving school thus far, but I think it is sinking in that, oh wow, this is an everyday kind of thing. The school has lots of variety throughout the week so she won't get bored: swimming one day, computers and music another, art, gym. She is still doing Gymboree as well so at night there is very little trouble getting her to fall asleep. For myself, I wonder if I should ask the teacher more questions about how Angie is doing or just assume all is well. I'm going to miss the excitement of picking her up from school when I return to work. She's bubbling over to tell us about the fun she's had. Today she met Mr. D and he taught them dancing. Very cool stuff for Angie.

Unfortunately, her allergies are flaring and I'm not certain we will be able to send her to school. She will be so disappointed.

Kian is as handsome as ever. He's outgrown most of his clothes already and is in the six to nine month range for clothes now. I'm getting great exercise just lifting and carrying him. He is very into studying hands (his and mine) at present.

I'm just trying to savor this last little bit of leave before I return to work. Chas told me today that he has enjoyed having me home these past few months. That was nice to hear. As stressful as it has been at times, spending time with my family has been a treasure and a blessing.

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Bits and Pieces

The biggie:

We had our follow up cardiology visit today. This was the big one. The one that would give us a good look at his response to the valvuloplasty. I have been anxious for two weeks about it, but today I woke feeling strangely calm, like I was in a haze (of course that could have been the Zyrtec I took last night). Chas was tense and I heard him tell Angie that she really needed to behave today because Mommy and Daddy would not be as patient as usual.

The good news: Kian's pulse ox was at 100% and his blood pressure was great. No ECG today. No Ultrasound. The doctor could hear that there was no significant change between the previous visit and today which means that the stenosis is minimal compared to what it was prior to the procedure.

We still must watch him carefully but she doesn't need to see him until the end of November. Depending on how he sounds at that time, we may need to schedule a sedated ECG at the hospital. She said that he might still need another procedure in a year or two, but she thought there was even a possibility that he won't need further intervention.

We can hope right? Thank you everyone for your support, thoughts and prayers. They have helped us immensely.

They found some masses in Tina's brain, but I have no idea what that indicates. My Dad didn't mention it when I spoke to him last night. For those who don't read my blog regularly, Tina is my oldest brother's fiance and she is battling lymphoma. Treatments have, thus far, been unsuccessful in stoping or controlling the cancer.

I finished Tina's book Wednesday night! Tina has been moved to an apartment near the hospital so I am waiting for someone to give me her new address. It's cute. I decided against ruching ribbon around the edges because it finished better than I imagined it would. Judy Odell writes wonderful instructions. The only part I'm not pleased with is the ribbon tie. For those of you who work with ribbon embellishment, am I correct in assuming that silk ribbon just rests better than the satin stuff JoAnn's sells? The colors match the fabric perfectly, but they don't make a nice bow.

I'll try to post a picture tomorrow.

Pompeii is officially out of reach now. Both of our cars need repairs so I can't justify buying another chart at the moment. Surely I will finish JG before Pompeii is released in a year or so.

I'm happily stitching Snowberries for the Christmas ornament SAL. I have another ornie lined up to start if I finish Snowberries. I just need to find the conversion from SJ beads to Mill Hill, though I suppose it won't matter if I just pick beads I like. The frustrating part is that I had written a conversion when I started 'berries two or three years ago. I'm certain I saw it recently, but I can't seem to find it now. Most likely, I'll find it once I've finished beading.

Angie is struggling so much right now. "New and different" is very upsetting for her. I ache for her. She never threw tantrums as a baby, but this summer she has pulled out all the stops. I know she just wants and needs attention, but that doesn't make it easier. I really hope that she'll be okay with Kindergarten next week. Tonight we go to the school to meet the teacher and attend an ice cream social.

I'm trying to finish a tuffet for the Just a Thought board. I wasn't going to do it, but I found a chart screaming to be stitched. The photo deadline is next Friday and I think I'll need every free minute to complete it. I was foolish to start something new, but I'm enjoying stitching it.

Do I dare join the Seasonal SAL? I like seasonal designs. I have Autumn Faery by TW started. I have the Autumn bellpull by Chatelaine in my stash. (Can you guess in which season I was born?) Heck, even my HAED SAL Challenge project would probably count.

It's so tempting....

I hope you all have a happy Friday.

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Just some stitching

Here it is in all its glory: the first page in my HAED SAL Challenge project. I have bits started on the second and sixth pages too. I think I can get through at least two more SAL's before I need to grid more fabric.

I'm almost looking forward to the second page with the confetti stitching after spending eight months on the nearly solid blocks of color on page 1. I never realized how close in color DMC 300 and 400 are.

I wonder how long it will take me to stitch this page.

Regardless this is a landmark for me--this is the first page I've completed on a full size HAED chart.

I've been stitching on Frog Prince 3 for Angie. I have finished much of the girl's face and some of her hair. I'll post a scan of that soon too. I need to switch to other things if I hope to put needle to fabric in all the August projects. I was hoping to have Tina's book finished this weekend so that my mom (who will be here tomorrow) can take it to her. However, we spent last week in a flurry of activity trying to get Angie's supplies for Kindergarten. We still need to get her to the Dentist and have him complete the necessary form, but I think I've finished everything else. We received the bus information today. It only confirmed my intention to have Chas drive her to school. If she bused, she would get on the bus at 6:30 a.m. and be transported to another school to make a connecting bus at 7:25 a.m., which would then take her to her school by 8:00 a.m. Maybe when she's older, but I don't want my daydreamy child transferring buses just yet. That just seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

I've also been bad. I started a new small project. I didn't mean to, but I saw a cute freebie yesterday that begged to be stitched. I had the perfect Dinky Dye fibers for it and I finally found a purpose for the 36 count Silkweaver solo I purchased two years ago. I hope to finish it this month and will post photos when its done. This also takes my complete WIP/SWIP/UFO total to 42. Since that is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything, I feel good about my new start.

I know I am an unrepentant, unrestrained serial starter, but at least I have lots of fun things to stitch.

It's good to have options, don't you think?

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The (Big, Long) Hospital Story

So this is just a bit over due. I already posted about the hours before we left for the hospital. I also posted about breastfeeding while Kian was in the hospital here if you are interested. Chas posted his thoughts here and here. This post covers the rest of my experience.

We arrived at the hospital right at 6:00 am just as we were told to do. The procedure was still scheduled for 7:30 and they needed to process us first. We checked in with Registration who did not have a reservation for us, meaning that his room was not ready, but we were reassured that this was not a problem. We were directed to the cardiac care floor to take Kian's vitals and let us meet the medical team.

We were escorted to a consultation room where we stripped Kian out of his pajamas and some wonderful nurses admired Kian while taking his measurements. I was impressed when Kian returned to sleep quickly. Angie was the kind of baby who would have stayed awake and cranky with all that fiddling--her loosely established pattern of sleeping and eating could easily be altered. Kian quickly developed the ability to sleep for several hours at night. Nothing can shake his schedule. He slipped back to sleep immediately after feeding at 3:00 am that morning as well.

We were told to wait and someone from the lab would be down to see us. It was 6:45 am at that point. We waited for about twenty minutes, then Chas went to the nurses station. Finally, a cardiac resident entered the room around 7:30, when the procedure was set to begin. The first thing she said was, "The procedure has been rescheduled for 8:30." The scheduling department allegedly called us the day before to provide the new time. Ummmm. We never received that call. I thought Chas was going to jump out of his chair and hunt down the schedulers.

The resident gave us the basics--I can't tell you how stressful it is to hear, "We're doing this procedure because the risks of the procedure are far less than the risks of doing nothing." I just hope you never have someone say that to you while referring to your child, especially when you've had little sleep and are holding the sleeping child in your arms. It kind of takes your breath away.

At 7:45, the resident left, Chas and I continued our waiting. I think the delay just added to our stress, because we just sat there, looking at Kian, and worrying about what might happen next for almost an hour.

Finally, a nurses came for us and put my suitcase in a locked storeroom. Then she took us into the hallway to meet some of the nurses who would be caring for Kian during the valvuloplasty. One of them directed us to a pair of ominous doors down a long hall and I thought my legs were going to give out. I would have done much better if we had been told the correct time. I would have had less time that morning to stew over everything. I wanted to run away, with Kian. I wanted him to be perfect and healthy and not need this medical intervention. But I took him through those doors because I knew that I couldn't wish him to be well.

Once through the doors, we met the doctor who would be performing the valvuloplasty. I could not have described him. I don't think I actually looked at him, I was so busy staring at Kian who was awake and confused by the lack of food. What I did see was a man's hand gently touching my son's head, complimenting Kian and asking if we had questions. I was inordinately grateful for the kind manner he used with us and with Kian.

We entered the Cath lab with the Doctor, the Nurses and met still more nurses and medical staff. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't remember any of their names or faces. They were all very nice to us, but Chas and I were so tense from the waiting and worrying that I'm sure we seemed stiff to them. I could barely speak I was so nervous and overwhelmed by the enormous banks of equipment and monitors. One of the nurses asked about Kian's name, and she had to ask me to repeat my answer because I was barely audible. More waiting as the anesthesiologist had not arrived. The Doctor sat with us for a few minutes and asked if we had any questions. I babbled something about trusting him and feeling comfortable with what the resident had explained. I just wanted it to be over because we had been waiting so long. I wanted them to work on Kian so that we could learn whether this procedure could help him.

Once everyone was present, we laid Kian on the table and he was screaming at us. One of the nurses joked, "there's nothing wrong with his lungs." We were told to leave his binky (pacifier) on the table because, "he might need it." They readied the anesthesia and we were told to say goodbye. "Now it's time for Mom and Dad to leave." Chas remembers seeing them put the mask over his face; I don't. I didn't see anything except the door out but as I left, I heard Kian crying hysterically. I couldn't do anything to comfort him.

Chas and I ate a bagel downstairs before going to the waiting room. I pumped for a few minutes in an empty exam room and felt better than I had all morning. I returned to Chas in the waiting area and picked up my stitching for the love quilt to keep my hands occupied.

It did not seem that much time had passed, when Chas bolted from his seat to the door of the waiting area. I looked up and saw a man in surgical garb. My legs locked and I stared uncomprehending for a few moments until it sunk in that this was Kian's doctor. I ran out the door worried that something had gone wrong, but the Doctor was smiling. Kian did very well and they were just taking some measurements as a baseline for future reference while Kian was still unconscious. His aorta was between 45 and 55% blocked before the procedure and they had managed to open it to roughly 10%. His heart chambers looked good and the area where the aorta connects with the heart appeared strong. This means that Kian is a good candidate for a second valvuloplasty, if it becomes necessary. We would be able to see Kian shortly as we would all go down to the recovery ward together. We thanked him and returned to the waiting room.

When they finished with Kian, another nurse retrieved us and we stood in the hallway outside the lab eager to see our boy. The doors opened and the medical team wheeled Kian out in a bed about 2/3 the size of a normal hospital bed. The team looked very pleased, happy with what they had accomplished. Their faces were a blur to me because I was looking at Kian, whose eyes were opened wide and seemed confused an in pain. Most heart-rending of all--Kian was whimpering. I hadn't expected to see him awake just yet. He whimpered the entire trip to the Recovery Ward.

We were briefly deposited in another waiting area while Kian was taken to his assigned station in the ward. Chas barely had time to ask me if I thought he should start calling family or if he should wait until we return to the Cardiac Floor ("wait"), when we were taken back to Kian's bedside.

The Recovery Ward is an amazing place--it's a large open room (one of two) with children separated by curtains. We were there just a few minutes when I turned to Chas and said "I couldn't work here." The sound of all those children crying in pain would tear at me. Kian was strapped into an adult leg brace (the type used in ACL injuries) to restrict his movement and prevent him from bleeding to death. Faithfully every fifteen minutes, the nurse assigned to Kian checked his vitals signs. Chas insisted that I sit down because I was wobbling due to hunger and lack of sleep. I bounced between sitting in the rocking chair and standing at Kian's bedside. Kian slept. Occasionally, his eyes would pop open, but he closed them just as quickly and I don't know if he realized we were with him. My husband, bored with waiting, read Kian's chart--not that he understood anything written. Kian's nurse scolded Chas and took the chart from the bed when Chas kept peeking at it. My husband is incorrigible.

After an hour, Kian was doing wonderfully and was sent to the cardiac floor. For the rest of the day, a host of doctors, residents, interns, fellows, nurses and nursing assistants came to Kian's pie wedge room. I must confess that as serious as it was, I felt a bit like I was on an episode of Scrubs. At one point Chas was dozing on the pullout couch, Kian was surrounded by eight residents, interns and nurses all trying to find the pulse in Kian's foot. The conversation was something like this:

"Can you find it?"

"I thought I found it but now I'm not sure."

"Get the Doppler."

"That's the Doppler we have for this floor? It's ancient." (it looks like an old transistor radio)

"Let me go borrow one from NICU."

"Hmmm. I thought I felt it here. Let me try his other foot."

"Is that my pulse or his?"

"The nurse in recovery found the pulse?"

"Yes she said she had no trouble."

"That is so weird that we can't find it now. "

"Too bad she didn't mark it on his foot."

"We'll mark it when we find it." (Pen is readied)

To me "Don't worry--he's okay, sometimes its hard to find the pulse on infants."

" Oh that's a much better Doppler." (clearly a more modern piece of equipment)

"Can you find it now?"

"I'm still not sure." (two more doctors enter the room)

"Hey, which side did you go in?"


"Really, I thought it was the right."

"No it was the left."

"We can't find his pulse."

"Really? I found it here. Hmm."

This went on for fifteen to twenty minutes until the chief pediatric resident came and found Kian's pulse in both feet, which were promptly marked with x's. I would have worried but I was giddy from lack of sleep and I was watching Kian's steady heartbeat on the monitors.

Another time, a resident brought another Resident to our room and said, "We were told your son has a perfect heart murmur. Is it okay if we listen to it?" In my grandest voice I replied, "Yes, you can listen to our son's perfect murmur." They also let me borrow a stethoscope so I could listen. I couldn't distinguish the sounds though I had thought I'd heard something prior to his procedure with my ear to his chest (they assured me that wasn't likely).

Angie came to the hospital to check on Kian and me. I read her a few stories because I had missed her and wanted to snuggle with her for a few minutes. Chas returned home with her and his Mom. Kian slept most of the afternoon and awoke to gulp some pedialyte aroud 3:00 or 4:00. By 6:00, I was breastfeeding him directly and at 8:30, just before Chas left, Kian graced us with the most beautiful smile.

I spent a very sleepless night because Kian wanted food and comfort every ninety minutes. Doctors and nurses continued to come in and out of the room around the clock as well. And the young girl whose room connected with Kian's watched a "Fresh Prince" marathon from 10:30 p.m. until about 2:00 a.m. I sang to Kian while he nursed and told him stories (thanks to Laurie Berkner and Don and Audrey Wood). I was exhausted but at least my son was gloriously alive in my arms. It was wonderful just to live inside those moments with Kian and not think of anything beyond holding him in my arms while trying to keep all the monitors attached. I changed positions when his oxygen levels decreased slightly and reattached the monitor when it fell off. All night long, Kian would rest in his bed for a bit, then he would let me know that it was time for some cuddling and feeding.

We were released from the hospital with some instructions for pain relief and a follow up appointment with his regular cardiologist. Kian's left foot was oddly cold, it seemed to radiate cold at times, but that is normal. The needle and tubes used in a valvuloplasty are the same diameter as the artery and this can make the artery spastic for a bit. It took three or four weeks for his feet to be the same temperature.

It was a few days before I felt rested. It was a few weeks before Kian was happy being held by anyone other than me. Angie was a bit angry both at having me gone for the over night and for having Grandma leave the next day.

The doctor who performed the valvuloplasty is cautiously optimistic that this will resolve the problem and Kian won't need additional medical intervention in the future. His regular cardiologist is certain that the stenosis will return in a few months or years. I worry, but I remain hopeful. I'm trying to just enjoy the little moments for now.

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The Unbearable Cuteness of Being

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Monday, August 13, 2007

The 1, 2, 3's of Inspiration and Restraint

I don't have photos of Tina's book yet. I needed a few more supplies and picked one of them up today. I'm following Judy Odell's instructions for GTK because I want it to be a book rather than just a flat fold stand up. I find the instructions a little intimidating, but perhaps it's clearer when you are actually doing it. I've read them through a few times and I'm still not sure I can pull this off. Cross the fingers on your non-stitching hand that I'm successful.

The inspiration in three parts:

1. I've been planning something for a dear friend for a few years now. It's gone through some design changes a few times--primarily because I tossed the first color scheme (something about blue...). Now I can't seem to find the parts I drafted (on several, separate sheets of paper) pre-fire. I was daydreaming recently and I realized that this design by Teresa Wentzler almost perfectly matches the colors in my friend's home. I could personalize it and it would be better than anything I could dream up on my own. We'll see what she thinks.

2. I think I've found the perfect Delicas for the Amethyst Mystery. Now I just need to order the Swarovskis and I can finish a Chatelaine.

3. I finally finished the first page of my HAED Challenge SAL piece. That feels like a major happy dance all on its own. Now I just have 14 pages remaining. At this rate, I will finish stitching in 9.3 years. Sad to say that won't even make it one of my longest running WIPs.

Now for restraint:

1. I have not purchased Pompeii yet. AND, I have almost convinced myself to wait until Martina releases it as a chartpack. Almost. I know there is still time for me to cave and join the group, but so far, I'm behaving.

2. The HAED BB is having a new start SAL at the end of this month. I was tempted to the point that I perused the HAED charts in my stash and narrowed my choices to five. Then I settled on Bedtime Tales by Lisa Victoria for Kian. However, I have been finding more WIPS, SWIPS AND UFOS, as I have rummaged through my stash looking for supplies. I think the list on the side is complete and that total is over 40. I can't justify starting another big project until I finish a few of the designs on my list, some of which are so close to completion that I find it appalling they aren't done. I think most of them were abandoned after I erred and had frogged a bit.

The fact that it would conflict with the ornament SAL helped my decision.

And I was really hoping for a background only SAL, which appears to be unlikely, since the bb said the next special SAL would be a holiday SAL. Anyone want to do a HAED background only SAL with me?

3. There are a few really good sales right now in the ons world. I'm limiting myself to just acquiring supplies for Midi 3 and Polar Lights, both will be started likely in mid to late September. It depends almost entirely on when the supplies arrive.

I am allowing myself some new (big) starts (excluding ornaments for the monthly SALs and a few other smallish designs I'm toying with stitching) in the next few months:

Midi 3--because no-one is posting on that forum at the bb or at the Yahoo Group. I love this series and I want to see it continue.

Polar Lights--It's been in the stash too long. If I finish Amethyst, I'll let myself start Polar Lights.

1814 Butterfly Collection--I plan to stitch this for the Houston Holocaust Museum's Butterfly Project once I have completed my Love quilt piece.

Bedtime Tales--Even though I won't be starting it for the SAL, it will likely be the next HAED I start. I'm working on Bedtime Story for Angie so I think I ought to work on a big design for Kian as well. Of course, I really ought put some stitching time on Bedtime Story--see why I don't actually need any new starts?

And do you see why I am the Grand Poobah of the Serial Starters?

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Hubby

I love you so much.

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Random Act of Goodness

Let me start by saying, "Thank you unknown fellow Northeastern Ohio crafter."

Yesterday my brother e-mailed me to say that Tina had received her brother's stem cells. We don't know if this will work, but it is the only treatment left. He added that her own stem cells are gone and she has no immune system so even the mildest virus could do serious harm.

I decided that I would get the supplies I needed from Jo Ann's immediately. So Kian and I went with Angie and Chas to her drop off class. Chas, Kian and I ran to JoAnn's while Angie was at class.

I found the right fabric, some ribbon to try ruching, and the acid free board I needed. Chas found some things we needed and some craft glue required for kindergarten. I was feeling a little stressed and worried about my brother, in addition to a few other things so I grabbed the bags after paying and left.

Much later in the evening, I opened the bags to pull Angie's glue to put with her other supplies. I discovered that we were missing a bag completely. Chas checked the car and I looked around the house but no luck. It was a half an hour before the store closed so I called to see if they had found the bag. Nancy at guest services looked but no luck. She was very understanding and said that probably the customer after me received the bag with her own. She told me to come back and the store would replace my things.

I was really distressed because I wouldn't be able to start the project that night.

So we stopped at JoAnn's after class and dinner tonight. I went to the guest services area and asked if there was a bag for me, figuring that there had been enough time that perhaps the other person had discovered the additional bag and returned it.

Guess what?

The bag was there bundled up and waiting for me! The girl at guest services was surprised and I was elated.

Thank you again random fellow stitcher!

So tonight during Angie's bath, I'll cut some batting and the fabric. Hopefully I'll have something nice to show you within the next week.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

August Goals

Well I reached every goal last month except for finishing Tina's book. It helps to avoid establishing concrete goals. For now I'll stick with just putting some stitches in each month.

So for August:

1. Finish Tina's book.
2. Stitch a bit on Midi 1
3. Stitch a bit on WG
4. Acquire more supplies for Midi 3
5. Stitch a bit on JG
6. Stitch a bit on Stealing Oats.
7. Stitch a bit on a Love Quilt square.
8. Stitch a bit on the Rose bookmark
9. Participate in the SALs at the HAED bb
10. Stitch an ornament at the fourth weekend SAL
11. Stitch a bit on Santorini
12. Stitch a bit on Japnese Lady
13. Stitch a bit on one of my TW WIPs.

I've found some of my UFO's and will try to work on them too if I have a chance. I found the Elephants on the Savannah and there is more done than I remembered. I should finish it this year and give it to my step-dad. It must be one of my oldest projects. I started it in the mid 1990'sand it is one of my first over-one projects. The fabric I had wasn't big enough to stitch it over two, so I decided to use two strands over one. The fabric is perfect it's an even weave that has slubby parts like linen, but the slubs almost form a pattern of their own. It's pretty-you'll see it when I finish.

I'm also debating leaping off the 25 challenge. I think I really want Pompeii Garden. I'm trying to remind myself that I'm not likely to start it before Martina releases the chart in a year or two, but so far I think the rational side of my brain is losing the battle. As of tonight, I am nearly convinced that it is my favorite Chatelaine ever.

And this is why my WIPs, SWIPs, and UFOs list is so long....

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