Wrapping up 2006...
and tucking it away on a shelf somewhere.
I'm almost afraid to hope that 2007 will be better because I should just be grateful that my family is all together. It struck me that if I hadn't miscarried in May, I would have a baby in my arms now. So 2006 is a bit melancholy for me too. I'm hoping for the healthy baby in April 2007, so surely that could be one thing that is an improvement over the previous year.
I thought today would be a good day to review my 101 things; I'll save my 2007 plans and goals for tomorrow.
So how am I doing?
In my Personal Goals, I am exercising a bit more. I have some pre-natal yoga cards that Angie enjoys doing with me. "Doing" being a loose description of what occurs. It's more like whirlwind yoga because she loves to blitz through the cards. I have another pre and post natal exercise video on the way. I am slowly trudging to Rivendell--I can't seem to keep track of my miles as well as I would like.
I have gotten rid of some clothes, thanks to the fire. Umm. Not how I intended to do it at all. The fire also helped me read lots of books as the side bar shows. I also recently bought Loreena McKennitt, Book of Shadows, which I love, but Angie refers to as the "sad music." We also bought the first seasons of the new Dr. Who and the animated Tick.
For Family Goals, I have managed to get and stay pregnant (with Chas's help of course ;oD ), I'm hoping that I can successfully achieve this goal in April 2007. I have played more with Angie, we've even worked on some very basic pre-school skills (what do I make of the idea that she can read the word "Rocket" but hasn't learned to write letters yet?), and we've reviewed some potential schools for next year. We are also playing a lot of Hi Ho Cherry O with her--it was one of our presents to her at Christmas and she just loves it. I need to focus more on my husband though.
The only Professional Goal reached so far was the purchasing of new work shoes. Fire. Blah, blah, blah. And we had major setbacks in my Financial Goals for the same reason. Sigh.
I fared a little better with my Computer/Technical Goals. I do blog often, though I should post more on Angie's blog. My Yuku account has been created so I am ready for the great migration, should that occur in my lifetime. I've started re-formating my website and I have backed up some, but not nearly all, of my electronic cross stitch patterns. I keep finding cool freebies and then there was the Chatelaine Advent Kalendar fun.
I rocked the Home Improvement Goals, thanks again, ummm, to the fire. The basement and home office are clean; well, the home office is satisfactorily clean. The Basement needs help. We purchased a new computer desk, office chair, washer and dryer. We even had renter's insurance for the apartment and will be getting some for the house (something we did not accomplish in the rush to move home). The landlords tore down the existing window box (and threw huge amounts of dirt on the flowers I had growing in the flower bed) so I no longer feel the need to obtain a second one. I'm not sure if I'm willing to start planting here again.
My Stitching Goals remain pending. I've purchased the beads for Taj and for Midi 2. The Midi 2 fibers are almost completely purchased. I just need the perle. Since I started the list, I've only completed one WIP and one UFO. Still much to be done.
I've had varying degrees of success with my Miscellaneous Goals. I did spend more time with Cathy in the fall, because as real friends do, she and her husband pitched in when we so desperately needed help post fire. We're slacking again so I need to actively harass her more frequently. Technically, we did move, then we moved back. Not exactly what we had intended. Chas's Dad gave us his old car (a Lincoln Town Car which I have dubbed "the yacht"). I have subscribed to the Gift of Stitching and the December issue alone was worth the very low subscription price. I did not send holiday cards this year and would you believe that I still cannot find my LOTR or Harry Potter books?
Thank goodness I still have 853 days left to accomplish some things!
I hope that anyone reading this has a great new year, full of things that bring you joy. I hope that your sorrows will be few, and that you will be surrounded by loving people who will help you through the hard times.
For my little family, I know that 2007 will bring much upheaval--we will add a new member, move, and Angie will start school. These are all good things, although each one will require some adjustment. Hopefully it will not be as dramatic as 2006.
A Wonderful New Year to you all!